Gum Disease Treatment

Chicago Gum Disease Treatment in Lakeview

Approximately 80% of American adults have some form of gum (periodontal) disease. While this is nothing to take lightly, it is nice to know you aren’t alone if you have been diagnosed. Gum disease diagnosis ranges in severity. Many moderate forms can be reversed and taken care of with proper oral care. Unfortunately in advanced diagnosis, damage may be irreparable. As with most disease, early detection is crucial. Dr. Parrott, Dr. Nguyen and our hygiene team are well versed in detecting early signs and symptoms. Belmont Dental Care has been providing Chicago with gum disease treatment in Lakeview for over 25 years!

What is periodontal (gum) disease?

“Perio” means around, and “dontal” refers to teeth. Gum disease is an infection of the tissues that surround and support the teeth. When the bacteria in our mouth combines with our saliva, plaque is formed. This sticky and slimy substance then adheres to our teeth. Brushing and flossing everyday twice a day helps aid in keeping the plaque to a minimum. When plaque does not get removed through oral care, it hardens onto the teeth creating what is commonly known as “tartar”. The only way to remove this tartar is through a professional dental cleaning.

Plaque can also work its way below the gum line. Our body’s response to bacteria here is to inflame the gums. Our swollen gums then over time will eventually detach from the tooth leaving a pocket. This vicious cycle can result in tooth and bone loss.

Types of Human Gum Inflammation

Common signs & symptoms

  • Loose teeth

  • Sensitive teeth

  • Receding gums

  • Pain, redness or swelling of the gums

  • Halitosis – bad breath

  • Longer looking teeth – supporting tissue may be pulling away resulting in a “toothy” look

Gum disease diagnosis

Early stages of gum disease can go unnoticed. Our Lakeview dentists often diagnose patients during regular dental exams where the patient was unaware. This is one of the many reasons to keep up on your bi-annual dental visits. The two diagnosis typically given are:

Gingivitis – refers to red, swollen or inflamed gums. Bleeding gums tend to be a telltale sign of gingivitis as well. Being the mildest form of gum disease, many patients can reverse this with proper oral care.

Periodontitis – advanced gingivitis results in periodontitis. This is where the plaque and bacteria have fallen below the gum line, resulting in the inflamed gums detaching from the tooth. Bacteria combined with our body’s own infection fighting enzymes begin to break down tissue and bone. In this advanced form of gum disease tooth loss is common. If caught early enough, treated and taken seriously by the patient, damage may be reversible.

Risk factors

  • Smoking

  • Heavy use of alcohol

  • Genetics

  • Stress

  • Diabetes

  • Medications

  • Hormonal changes

  • Illnesses (due to weakened immune system)

Treatment options

Depending on severity, treatment options will vary. In any case the first goal is to gain control of the disease and stop the spread. Non-surgical therapies focus on bacterial growth. Surgical treatments work on both bacterial growth control and repairing supportive tissues.

Non-surgical treatment options

Scaling and root planing – Scaling is when the hygienist uses a specialized tools to remove tartar above and below the gum line. Root planing then smooths out rough spots on the roots that trap and hold bacteria. The gums can then reattach to the clean surface of the teeth. Local anesthetic is sometimes used for your comfort.

Professional dental cleaning – During the exam your dentist or hygienist will remove the plaque and tartar from the surfaces of your teeth. A professional dental cleaning is necessary to remove tartar. Depending on the stage of your gum disease, the dentist may request cleanings more than twice a year.

Surgical treatment options

  • Guided tissue regeneration

  • Flap or pocket surgery

  • Bone surgery

  • Bone & tissue grafts

Gum disease treatment at Belmont Dental Care

Dr. Parrott and Dr. Nguyen, take gum disease very seriously. Proper oral care should keep gum disease at bay but external forces do play a significant role. Proper oral care includes; brushing and flossing twice daily, oral rinses and regular dental exams. If you are in Chicago and in need of gum disease treatment in Lakeview, contact us for a dental exam.


Belmont Dental Care
3344 N. Lincoln Ave.
Chicago, IL 60657
(773) 549-7971


Monday: 8AM – 5PM
Tuesday: 8AM – 5PM
Wednesday: 7AM – 4PM
Thursday: 7AM – 4PM
Friday: 8AM – 2PM
Satuday: 8AM – 2PM
(every other Saturday)
Sunday: Closed